About AethLabs

The Team

Steven Blair enjoys the process of designing and making across a wide range of media. Looking to gain a solid foundation to further his interests, he studied mechanical engineering and industrial design. Steven's work at AethLabs focuses on product development.
Jeff Blair made his first air analysis instrument in high school. His practice of exploring materials, machining, and above all, making, lead him to formalize this interest with a degree in manufacturing engineering. Jeff has 20 years of experience in custom hardware, electronics development, and Aethalometry as well as product and business development.
Ivan Iskra always dreamed of becoming a link between science, industry, and interested groups in the community. Working in the field of aerosol instrumentation opened numerous possibilities for developing relationships with the best science groups worldwide. In his role at AethLabs (Business Development), Ivan is the primary point of contact for AethLabs' distributors/representatives when it comes to strategy, marketing, special projects, and sales.
Erik Hopp has worked to design and apply open source web-based tools to social justice projects for over 20 years. His work at AethLabs allows him to focus on data visualization, user interface design, and developing tools and infrastructure for supporting sensor networks. Erik hacks bikes, builds furniture, consumes modern design, renovates houses, and has dreams/nightmares about the Internet of Things.