About AethLabs
The Company

AethLabs was founded in May of 2011 by brothers Jeff and Steven Blair in San Francisco, California to focus on the development of high quality personal exposure and Black Carbon monitoring instruments. AethLabs helps to enable new science related to public health and climate change by manufacturing easy-to-use, reliable and accurate measurement instrumentation.
In 2017 AethLabs released the MA Series of Black carbon monitors with 3 different products that build on microAeth® AE51 personal exposure monitor. The MA200 is a compact and highly integrated personal exposure monitor often used for health effects and mobile transportation studies. The MA300 and MA350 are designed for long term monitoring in both stationary and mobile applications. The microAeth® family of air monitors are available in the United States directly from AethLabs and worldwide through our network of distributors.
3085 21st StreetSan Francisco, CA 94110